Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hard work, Hot days

On Saturday, ten of the men from our church met up at the new building to get some more work done. We framed walls, began putting in insulation, and did lots of cleaning. Before the end of the day, we had to get everything up off the floor- EVERYTHING. We swept, rolled up extension cords and air hoses, picked up trash and scraps, swept, picked up nails and screws, vaccuumed, hauled every tool outside- and did I mention we swept? We had to get all that done in preparation for the work that is going to be done this week.

We have several big things happening this week. First, the floors are going to be stained. The decision was made that the floor of the building would be stained concrete. (If you live in Jasper, it's like the floor in Cedar Tree.) The slab will be treated, scrubbed, and stained this week. very exciting. Also, the A/C guys will be installing the units in the attic, so that's another major portion of the work that will be done this week.

The work is happening very quickly, and it's been neat to see the Lord provide the money needed. Last week, in addition to the usual gifts we get in our Sunday offering, we received several hundred dollars worth of donations from people outside of our church. People who don't atttend Peachtree, some who live hundreds of miles away, but heard about the work we're doing, and felt led to be a part of it. I am so thankful for the generosity of our church members, and their friends and family who have given to this cause.

Please continue to pray over this whole project. Pray that the workers will be safe, that the building will be strong, that the money will be provided, and above all, that the Lord's name will be glorified.

-Bro. Jared

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Volunteer Weekend

Family Movie Night in the New Building

Our first opportunity to use our newly framed building came when Family Movie Night was threatened by rain. Our FLC was the perfect place for everyone to bring their lawn chairs and snacks to watch the classic Wizard of Oz. There will be many more gatherings as the building progresses.

Getting Ready!

Dirt work being done behind the current buildings.